Friday, October 9, 2009

Special Praises

God is moving AROUND THE WORLD!

Did You Know?
There is a biography of Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ International, entitled Amazing Faith. Here’s an excerpt from it by Michael Richardson: “As the confession and prayer continued, Bill pointed them to the purpose of it all: Loving the world with the message of Christ and seeing the fulfillment of the Great Commission in this generation.”

Do you recall the US National Staff Conference for all Campus Crusade staff that I attended this past summer? This conference occurs every two years not only to develop our staff with new methods to reach the world for Jesus Christ but to give God all the glory and honor for the great things He’s done around the world. I wanted to encourage you with some of the stories that were shared in Colorado.

The church should know & praise him!

The NJ Metro Director, Rob Mittuch (left with son, Trey), enthusiastically reports: “We heard story upon story of how God has been at work not only around our nation but around the world. Dr. Steve Douglass, the current president of Campus Crusade for Christ, told stories of how God has been working more dramatically around the world than he has ever seen or heard of in his 40+ years of ministry. In the last 10 years for instance there has been 100 million people baptized in the country of India, and in Ethiopia the population has gone from 10% to 20% Christian! The church in China has grown 100 fold in the last 60 years, and that is under intense persecution. Churches and missionary organizations are working together to reach the world for Christ in amazing ways! They are sharing training and resources and coming together to reach parts of the world which have the least Christian presence. At one point CCC went to the leadership of Wycliffe Bible Translators and asked if they would be able to switch from translating the Gospel of John first to translating Luke because it would go along with the Jesus film, and they eagerly agreed upon it. Wycliffe’s ability to translate the Bible has increased so rapidly that they will have a translation of the Bible into every known language by the year 2025. We heard story upon story of God showing up around the world; Muslims having dreams, churches being planted in places that traditionally never saw any fruit, foreign leadership being open to the Gospel and a tremendous amount of people turning their lives over to Christ!

In fact, we’ve seen God show up here in NJ in much the same way. We tallied up how many students here in NJ placed their faith in Christ through our ministry last year and it came to 106!” – Rob Mittuch Although we strongly believe numbers are not important, knowing them brings glory to God as they display the works that He is doing through His fruitful servants. Another opportunity we were given to reach students for Christ in New Jersey took place at a Christian concert geared towards teenagers and young adults. Rob Mittuch (above) was given the opportunity to speak for a few minutes to a crowd of thousands of students at “Revelation Generation” encouraging them to seek the Lord. Praise God!

Thank you for being part of fulfilling the Great Commission in this generation

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