Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Powerful Message

This is a message from a media ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ's called The website is intended to capture the attention of students who are seeking God and seeking answers to their many questions about Him. There are articles they can read covering almost any topic and they can respond by emailing a staff person anonymously and receive a biblically sound response. Here is a portion of one of the articles. (Feel free to visit the website to find the rest of this article and more.)

The early portions of Scripture declare not only God's immense power and knowledge in the fashioning of the universe, but his enduring concern over the created order. His relationship with individual men and women was such that they found it appropriate to identify him as friend, provider, comforter and King. Yet, it didn't take much time for rebellion against God's moral order to become the modus operandi. A great divide between God and his creation surfaced, as evil and corruption of heart and action came to be the primary descriptors of the human condition. It seems clear that a moral entropy has been enacted, leaving in its remains the wounded, pummeled and trounced souls of God's creation. All this in the face of the ever-present, ever-concerned creator.
God, as such, is the consummation of all that is noble, loving, compassionate, righteous and pure. He possesses these attributes to a degree in which no greater can be conceived. He does not participate in acts of love; He is love. He does not participate in acts of righteousness; He is righteousness. And it is because of these essential attributes, and a score of others, that God is unable to provide us with the forgiveness necessary for communion with him without exacting a heavy price. He cannot compromise his righteousness, yet he hasn't forsaken his love......

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