Thursday, February 4, 2010


So I've developed a new strategy to raise support. I actually just came off of a media fast for a week and may I say, it was refreshing. Not only did I hear clearly from the Lord, but God reaffirmed a few things I had been doubtfully praying through. (Shame on me for doubting-I know…but don't we all at some point?) Anyway, I love how God speaks sometimes and then when you do something like this fast you realize He is always speaking. Sometimes we are just too stuck in this communication-frantic world to listen, hear clearly and respond. :o)

So what's this Strategy10 thing all about? Well, it really has nothing to do with the fact that it's 2010, although now that you've brought it up, I think I like that idea...heehee...Anyway, it really has to do with the idea of raising support in a financially scary time. There are a few phrases people just don't like to hear this new year. Statements like "will you...?" or "prayerfully consider..." used to be followed by an intense look and listening ear. However in today’s boiling pot of an economy, it's not so welcomed in many cases. All I'm doing is asking that you consider the lost and confused young adults on the college campuses and prayerfully decide how much you can give to a fulltime ministry pursuing them for Christ.

Understanding the pressures of such an economy and the difficult intensity for so many to let go of their seeds, I decided to develop Strategy10. Strategy10 is the idea that everybody has $10 to give to a good cause (or even a good meal!) per month. All I have been asking the past month is if people would prayerfully consider whether the Lord is leading them to give a simple $10/month gift towards the spiritual health of the leading 1% of the population of the world. So far I have had 12 commitments to this Strategy10 partnership which has encouragingly brought me to 72% of my financial support!

Another part of this method of madness is to ask the 66/257 people who financially support me to increase $10/month. Considering the fact that most of them have been graciously giving a consistent monthly gift for over two years now, I'm assured by the Spirit that this is a legitimate ask. If each person I have asked (not all because every person and situation are different) will give that amount and the others will begin to give, I might very well be at 100% very soon!

If you'd like, you could be praying for me as I go through these next few weeks writing letters and calling friends to hop on the Strategy10 team. Or even better, join the team! Visit: the giving website, type in my full name and your gift intentions.

I know to some it might be a bizarre dream, but HEY! I don't worship a God who can't handle miracles. His job is the hearts of people! His most popular miracle is changing the hearts of unresponsive stubborn sinners into humble servants! Sure, He can't force anyone to do anything they don't want, including loving the millions of lost college students in this world, however, He can influence them as they go about their weeks and encounter the many college students who don't know Jesus Christ. Hey - Jesus Christ was a miracle!....Like Pastor Epstein says: "If God is truly God, then the virgin birth was just another day at the office!" Last I checked, my God can do it!

There is so much more to Strategy10 and how I believe He placed in on my heart, but I'm going to leave it here. Will you pray with me? 

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