Friday, April 30, 2010

Evangelism Tip

"Don't confuse bad behavior with spiritual disinterest."

Jesus was rightly accused of being a friend of sinners. In Luke 19:10 he says he came to "seek and save the lost". He knew that the most spiritually thirsty people were not the religious people but rather those who made the religious people uncomfortable. He is the only one who can quench their thirst with an eternal water (John 4:14) and being that they are not religious (or Christian), they most likely won't know to come to seek to quench their thirst in Him. That's why Jesus came to seek and save and that's why He spent time with the "sinners" because he loved them with an uncompromising sincere love. We can't wait for the lost to enter the church or attend an outreach we put on.

"At times, being like Christ involves being a friend to those least like Christ."
When we judge a person by their behavior and choose not to dine with them or love them like Christ would, we are living like the Pharisees. We ought to see every person we encounter how Christ sees them. We were put into this world for a purpose, not to just pass by those who are lost and thirsty, but rather to befriend them and love them as Christ did in Luke 19.

Who have you taken notice of today? Whose lifestyle makes you most uncomfortable to get to know them and share your faith with? I have a few cousins I can think of... I think I'll show them love and explore their spiritual position.
What about you?

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