Sunday, June 13, 2010

"Tabbie's Fall"

Another way God chose to speak to me was through roller-blading! 

Here is a story from my prayer letter, which you can also subscribe to here.

Recently, I have recently been roller-blading for health purposes. One day I went down a new path in a park with a friend and took an “A-Rod-like” dive through a pile of mud! My friend quickly came to my assistance, drove me home and cared for me. :o)
Sometime later, I attempted the same park but took a path we both knew was flat. However smooth the path appeared, a ½ mile in, the path turned from tar to gravel! Fearing this path & forgetting how I could depend my friend from the first time, I politely informed her that it was impossible to rollerblade on small rocks! She encouragingly reminded me “I’ll help you. I will hold you up so that you don’t fall.” Hesitantly I agreed and held onto her arm. About another ¼ mile down, my legs were burning BUT I had been able to balance myself in a new technique and no longer needed her arm! She stayed nearby all the way to the end & we finished together! 

Through my quiet time later that day, God used this incident to show me that even in the “gravel” of life, He’s not far off and will always be there to encourage me and help me through it. Sometimes it seems like pointless pain, but He has a reason and I can always cling to Him! I know His Word will comfort me as I am raising support like it has many times before.

The women's retreat with my church this past weekend reminded me of the joy our heavenly Father has when we just cling to Him during the difficult times. My sisters reminded me that God is in control & unfailingly good & loving! He cares!

In His providence, He will accomplish His will for my good and His glory!

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