Thursday, November 19, 2015

"Okay, I'm a college student... Now where are all the Christians?"

Kean Cru Core Group
Can you remember your first day? Of school, work, college? Do you remember walking into a room of people you didn't know in an environment you were unfamiliar with?

I do. I remember thinking that all I had to do was make sure I was invisible to everyone but the professor and if anyone were to see me, they would see my dedication to school work and only talk about that... Or so I hoped.

I remember the first day someone at my college talked to me about Jesus.  I had not yet found a Christian community on campus to connect with because the campus felt HUGE and the environment felt lonely. One day in the University Center, a woman behind a table with books and surveys asked me if I was interested in getting involved in something called "Campus Crusade for Christ". It seemed invasive honestly... I mean "crusade?!”...really? Unsure of their mission or doctrine, I did what my daddy taught me. I started grilling this woman with questions. "What do you do?" "Do you believe in the authority of scriptures?" "What do you believe about Jesus?"  The woman I spoke to saw my passion and recognized I had a Christian history. She calmed my worries of doctrinal issues (something every college student thinks about... not) and invited me to coffee. That interaction changed the path of the rest of my life.

Do you have a moment like that? Bethany does. Bethany is the student vice president of Cru at Kean University.
Bethany learned about a relationship with Jesus Christ her freshman year at a Cru table full of water bottles. Since then, Bethany has attended Bible studies, women's time, Jersey Cru, Fall Retreat and RADIATE, our winter conference. She even took the step of faith to raise her own financial support (coming from a Catholic Church) so that she can go on a Summer Mission with Cru to Hampton Beach, New Hampshire. Today Bethany is still learning to walk in her faith and multiply her faith by sharing with others. Watch her video testimony here:

Just before speaking at Jersey Cru
The start of the new academic year includes hundreds of these life-changing encounters. Many students encounter a Christian for the first time within the first 6 weeks of school. Jersey Cru, our statewide Cru meeting is the first time they witness 200 believers from 20 or so college movements across the state in one room worshipping God together! Soon after Jersey Cru is Fall Retreat, where many first time students solidify new Christian friendships, grow in their understanding of scripture, and get trained to engage in spiritual conversations just like that initial one they had with a random Christian. Please pray for these weeks!

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