Friday, October 23, 2009

QT - Giving Economically?

Today during my Quiet Time with Jesus, I decided to study giving. In part because I want more people to give to me but for the most part, I need to give more. I give generally according to what I get paid or what I have. But as I studied today, I realize giving isn't about what one has, it's about how much one loves.

"WHAT?! Tab, you're crazy!" I KNOW! But it's not my idea, it's God's! Check this out: Everyone knows the scriptures on giving... 2Corinthians 9:6 "The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully."

So I look up the word "sparing(ly)" and the first dictionary explanation is "economic(ally)"!!! WHAT?! Isn't that the number one excuse for American Christians today?! Including myself?! "God, I don't have enough so I can't give any." But God flips it! He says we don't have because we don't give! Don't believe me? Okay...the Word:
Prov. 11:24 and 25 "One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Galatians 6:7 and Luke 6:38 both attribute almost a cause and effect tone to giving and reaping. This is something so basic and yet so often brushed over in our lives. If I have a beautiful purse, am I willing to give it up for someone who needs it?

Why are we so willing to take care of "self" first when God asks, nay, demands the opposite from us. We are to consider others ABOVE ourselves.

How am I doing that with my finances?
The definition of "generous" is to be magnanimous, high-minded, open-handed.
I think about being open-handed with something as juvenille as candy in my hands. So often I want to close my hand sooo tight before the other person can take more than I want him/her to take. Why don't I just hold my hands open to give what the person needs? Is it a matter of trust in the person to properly use my generosity or is it a matter of trusting God to provide what is needed and to replace what I already gave? I'm so pitiful. The God of all creation asks me to give all of me, including my finances, and I'm fearful! Fear is so powerful. But I refuse to let it hold me back. God's love is more powerful to the point that it casts out all fear. So through His love, I will give generously without holding back.

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