Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Ethnic Diversity Matters

You may have read in my last letter about my trip to headquarters in Orlando, Florida back in August. I went to help the national direction team create a strategic plan for our national priorities and it was an honor to have been invited into that conversation.

I’ve been invited into several projects over the past few months with Cru. Although my new role title is female director for Jersey Metro Cru, I have been invited into several other conversations by some of its national directors that will help change the outlook of our organization as a whole.
Diverse group @ Jersey Cru
Around the nation, Cru campus movements are led and filled with majority White staff and students. Jersey Metro Cru is a rare community with various ethnic backgrounds and cultures represented. Some of this could be attributed to the make-up of the campus or the students’ rare ability to integrate with one another. Sadly, another reason could be the fear and uneasiness in presenting the Gospel to students of a different culture or ethnicity.
My long-term goal is to help Cru campus movements across the nation reflect its scope ethnically. God recently provided an opportunity for me to put these thoughts into a video presentation (visit my blog to view video) that was presented to our national campus direction team at headquarters by the Mid- Atlantic national director and a few others.
God is already moving in the hearts of so many staff, faculty and students to go in this direction. I am excited to see how God will use students from New Jersey to help transform Sunday morning experiences and encourage love and unity throughout our country during this very difficult time. Thanks for being part of this.

“And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common.”

(Acts 2:43-44)

1. Students leaders are preparing for finals and the holidays. Please pray they are able to set their eyes on Jesus.

2. Jersey Metro Cru staff are preparing for next semester and for RADIATE in our nations capitol. Please pray for this.

3. Personally I’m tired. Please pray I rest well in Jesus and His word.

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